We, members of Public Affairs Committee (PAC) and other interested groups such as media fraternity, political parties, academia, business groups have had a two-day (14-15 , March, 2012) at Limbe Cathedral.
Prompted by signs in our society that point to a crisis in political, economic and constitutional governance and iinspired by our God prophetic mandate, realising that God does not change the conditions of people unless the people themselves show commitment to change them, did serious introspection and critical analysis based on hard questions that need to be addressed if we have to reclaim our future as a nation.
PAC is a faith based organization mandated to:
To encourage religious bodies to fulfil their prophetic and religious roles, and respond to the socio-economic and political affairs of the Republic of Malawi.
To encourage religious bodies to fulfil their prophetic and religious roles, and respond to the socio-economic and political affairs of the Republic of Malawi.
To enter into and maintain a dialogue with any person, political body or any other institution in the republic of Malawi regarding any issues of concern to the nation;
To promote peace and tranquillity in the Republic of Malawi
The Conference was specifically called to:
To mobilize key stakeholders and various efforts towards a common agenda and collective redress to Malawi’s political and economic challenges.
To define a concerted strategy for engaging the government in dealing with the present challenges Malawi is facing.
To enhance a unified voice among faith-based organizations, politicians and the rest of civil society on issues of economic and political governance.
The conference focused on three topics namely:
The current political situation in Malawi,
The economic situation in Malawi and
The constitutional challenges.
Current Political Situation
The challenges facing the country are largely of our own making;
The expectations of the overwhelming majority that gave mandate to the present leadership are fading away;
Malawi has drastically deteriorated from a country on the move from 2004 to 2009; and is bordering on a “failed state” from 2010 to 2012 as seen in the passing of unpopular bills in parliament; shrinking of dialogue space and threats to alternative voices;
Lack of internalised democratic culture in the governance structures of our society especially in political parties;
For a country small as Malawi, we have too many political parties without defined and distinctive political ideologies
Economic Situation
There is rising cost of living
Businesses are shrinking and people are losing jobs
Policies to ensure that businesses thrive and attract foreign investment are not there
The zero deficit budget has tax burdens for Malawians
The losing out of donor support
Limited knowledge and internalisation of the Constitution
The Constitution has gaps and opportunities for our young democracy
Although the Constitution clearly states that the mandate to govern derives from the people of Malawi, we note that the balance of power is shifting to one branch of government
Our Constitution lacks a comprehensive mechanism of enforcement
Constitutional reviews which have previously been done have not been concluded
Governance challenges cannot be resolved by the Constitution alone
POLITICAL PARTIES Access to justice is a very important Human Right and PAC asks the government to settle its differences with the judiciary immediately as possible so that the courts can start functioning again.
It is the Constitutional Duty of the government of the day to promote the economic welfare of all Malawians. PAC asks Government to settle its differences with UK. The IMF, the World Bank and other donors immediately so that the economic deterioration is arrested immediately.
It is the responsibility of the President to speak and behave in an exemplary manner so that Malawians can relate to each other in a harmonious manner. PAC asks President Mutharika to stop speaking in a bullying manner with insulting language and threats so that Malawians can live in harmony and peace.
Bad laws-
MBC and Freedom of Expression
Media freedom
Inquest on the death of Chasowa
Electoral Commission
Negative campaign
Clear road map after Constitutional Conference
Nomination fees- reasonable
Condem all attempt to stop this PAC meeting No face of individual on the currency including the current president
1. Economic governance
2. Political governance
3. Electoral governance
a. open of courts
b. language of president
c. bad laws
d. campaign projects
The President should be asked to resign or, if he disagrees, call a referendum because
Sensible balance between creation and distribution of wealth market economy long-term involvement in basic social services and social development
Measures guaranty accountability-effectiveness and transparency that strengthens confidence transparency personal integrity Financial probity
Independence of the legislative arm of the government secured by giving financial independence to the Legislative. Parliament must be given the right to own and manage its own budget.
MPs should be able to participate freely in the voting machine and not by show of hands as it will guarantee secrecy of voting
Members of civil society would like to put it on record that all is not well and the situation needs to be reversed forthwith: For this to happen we call for
1. Resignation-within 60 days
2. Referendum -90 days
3. Civil disobedience- mass action
4. NCC to resume
Reasons for calling resignation: Arrogance resume good relations with donors bad laws
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